Mastitus definition: Inflammation of a mammary gland, usually caused by infection.
Breast infection occurs with inadequate or infrequent milk removal, or both. Symptoms typically begin with a firm knotty area in one part of one breast that will be tender to the touch, but can occur in both breasts. The area will then turn red and become very painful to the touch and some mothers will also experience fever and/or chills, similar to the flu. If infection is deep within the breast, along the chest wall, there may not be any visible skin reddening.
Recovery from a breast infection should always include anti-inflammatory medication, frequent, thorough milk removal using warmth and breast massage, rest and may even require antibiotics. It is also important to determine the underlying cause to avoid recurrence and always ensure baby is correctly latching. Recurring breast infections may negatively influence milk production even in future breastfeeding relationships.
First Food For Baby is dedicated to providing access to education and lactation care to breastfeeding families. If you are struggling with breastfeeding or have questions, First Food For Baby is here to help.
First Food For Baby Copyright © 2011 – All Rights Reserved / May be used with permission: [email protected]
Breast infection occurs with inadequate or infrequent milk removal, or both. Symptoms typically begin with a firm knotty area in one part of one breast that will be tender to the touch, but can occur in both breasts. The area will then turn red and become very painful to the touch and some mothers will also experience fever and/or chills, similar to the flu. If infection is deep within the breast, along the chest wall, there may not be any visible skin reddening.
Recovery from a breast infection should always include anti-inflammatory medication, frequent, thorough milk removal using warmth and breast massage, rest and may even require antibiotics. It is also important to determine the underlying cause to avoid recurrence and always ensure baby is correctly latching. Recurring breast infections may negatively influence milk production even in future breastfeeding relationships.
First Food For Baby is dedicated to providing access to education and lactation care to breastfeeding families. If you are struggling with breastfeeding or have questions, First Food For Baby is here to help.
First Food For Baby Copyright © 2011 – All Rights Reserved / May be used with permission: [email protected]